Alloway Funeral Home Florists

315 E Maple Ave
Merchantville, NJ, 08109
(856) 663-9085

Flower Delivery to Alloway Funeral Home in Merchantville, New Jersey

Florist One

Same-day flower delivery to Alloway Funeral Home
and all of 08109,
trusted since 1999.

Flowers by Mendez and Jackel

711 North 27th Street
Camden, New Jersey
2.7 mi away

Penn Florist

5451 Rte. 38
Pennsauken, New Jersey
1.7 mi away

Kate's Flower Shop

600 Park Blvd.
Cape May, New Jersey
1.9 mi away

Wirth Florist

22 S. Centre St.
Merchantville, New Jersey
0.4 mi away

Cherry Hill Flower Barn

2329 W. Rte. 70
Cherry Hill, New Jersey
1.8 mi away

Aster's Flower Shop

571 Haddon Ave.
Collingswood, New Jersey
2.8 mi away

The weather forecast for Merchantville (08109) New Jersey (NJ) is:

Current Conditions: Cooling down with a chance of rain tomorrow & Sunday & a chance of snow Saturday. 28°F
Humidity: 49.9%
Wind: 7.8 mph

Forecast: Clear conditions throughout the day. High: 31.9°F Low: 21.2°F