Elkins Funeral Homes Inc Florists

1535 Hermitage Dr
Florence, AL, 35630
(256) 764-0221

Flower Delivery to Elkins Funeral Homes Inc in Florence, Alabama

Florist One

Same-day flower delivery to Elkins Funeral Homes Inc
and all of 35630,
trusted since 1999.

Bill's Florist

917 Hermitage Dr
Florence, Alabama
0.7 mi away

Will & Dee's Florist

1126 N Wood Ave
Florence, Alabama
0.9 mi away

Kaleidoscope Florist & Designs

1633 Darby Dr
Florence, Alabama
0.5 mi away

Dean's Florist

1502 Houston St.
Florence, Alabama
1.1 mi away

The weather forecast for Florence (35630) Alabama (AL) is:

Current Conditions: Cooling down with a chance of rain multiple days. 52.1°F
Humidity: 54.7%
Wind: 4.6 mph

Forecast: Partly cloudy throughout the day with late afternoon rain. High: 58.9°F Low: 38.1°F