Finegan Funeral Home Florists

1837 Washington Blvd
Easton, PA, 18042
(610) 258-7021

Flower Delivery to Finegan Funeral Home in Easton, Pennsylvania

Florist One

Same-day flower delivery to Finegan Funeral Home
and all of 18042,
trusted since 1999.

Helen's Floral Shoppe

146 S Main St
Phillipsburg, New Jersey
2.0 mi away

Bouquets N Things PA

2482 Birch Street
Easton, Pennsylvania
0.6 mi away

Phillipsburg Floral Co.

95 Baltimore St.
Phillipsburg, New Jersey
3.5 mi away

The Flower Cart

377 S. Nulton Ave.
Easton, Pennsylvania
1.9 mi away

Sailer's Florist

3959 William Penn Hwy.
Easton, Pennsylvania
1.9 mi away

The weather forecast for Easton (18042) New Jersey (NJ) is:

Current Conditions: Warming up with no rain expected. 52°F
Humidity: 59.8%
Wind: 4 mph

Forecast: Clear conditions throughout the day. High: 54.1°F Low: 38.4°F