Hollis-Orvis-Palmer Funeral Florists

2528 Mishawaka Ave
South Bend, IN, 46615
(574) 289-2848

Flower Delivery to Hollis-Orvis-Palmer Funeral in South Bend, Indiana

Florist One

Same-day flower delivery to Hollis-Orvis-Palmer Funeral
and all of 46615,
trusted since 1999.

Patricia Ann Florist

2120 W Western Ave
South Bend, Indiana
3.6 mi away

Sweet Pickens Inc

1404 N Ironwood Dr
South Bend, Indiana
2.0 mi away

De Cloedt's Floral Place, Inc

417 W Seventh St
Mishawaka, Indiana
1.6 mi away

Ehninger Florist

216 S Michigan St
South Bend, Indiana
2.0 mi away

Flowers By Stephen & Associates LLC

4325 S. Michigan St.
South Bend, Indiana
3.2 mi away

Creations from the Heart

2425 Milburn Blvd
Mishawaka, Indiana
0.8 mi away

Wygant Floral Co., Inc.

327 Lincoln Way, W.
South Bend, Indiana
2.4 mi away

Heaven & Earth

143 S Dixie Way US 933
South Bend, Indiana
3.9 mi away

The weather forecast for South Bend (46615) Indiana (IN) is:

Current Conditions: Similar temperatures continuing with a chance of rain Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday. 31.3°F
Humidity: 69.2%
Wind: 2.9 mph

Forecast: Partly cloudy throughout the day with afternoon rain or snow. High: 30.7°F Low: 22.8°F