Lesko Stickle Funeral Home Florists
187 La Rue Rd |
Flower Delivery to Lesko Stickle Funeral Home in Newfoundland, New Jersey
Florist One
Same-day flower delivery to Lesko Stickle Funeral Home
and all of 07435,
trusted since 1999.
Oak Ridge Florist
5613 Berkshire Valley Rd
Oak Ridge, New Jersey
4.7 mi away
Blossom and Bee
2915 State Rte. 23 South
Newfoundland, New Jersey
1.1 mi away
Hoboken West End Florist
601 Jefferson St.
Hoboken, New Jersey
4.6 mi away
The weather forecast for Newfoundland (07435) New Jersey (NJ) is:
Current Conditions: Cooling down with no rain expected. 49.2°F
Humidity: 75.6%
Wind: 0.2 mph
Forecast: Partly cloudy throughout the day with early morning rain. High: 66.8°F Low: 45.8°F