Mc Laughlin Kramer Funeral Hm Florists

220 Glen St
Glen Cove, NY, 11542
(516) 676-8600

Flower Delivery to Mc Laughlin Kramer Funeral Hm in Glen Cove, New York

Florist One

Same-day flower delivery to Mc Laughlin Kramer Funeral Hm
and all of 11542,
trusted since 1999.

Buchtenkirch's Florist & Greenhouses

3 Center St.
Glen Cove, New York
0.7 mi away

Capobianco's Glen St. Florist

282 Glen St.
Glen Cove, New York
0.1 mi away

The weather forecast for Glen Cove (11542) New York (NY) is:

Current Conditions: Cooling down with a chance of rain Sunday & a chance of snow Saturday. 31°F
Humidity: 37.1%
Wind: 7.2 mph

Forecast: Partly cloudy throughout the day. High: 33.9°F Low: 26°F