Paul F Leonard Florists

575 N Main St
Pittston, PA, 18640
(570) 654-0564

Flower Delivery to Paul F Leonard in Pittston, Pennsylvania

Florist One

Same-day flower delivery to Paul F Leonard
and all of 18640,
trusted since 1999.

Carmen's Flowers and Gifts

1233 Wyoming Ave.
Exeter, Pennsylvania
2.2 mi away

Just Because Floral

760 Main St.
Avoca, Pennsylvania
2.4 mi away

Robin Hill Florist

915 Exeter Ave.
West Pittston, Pennsylvania
1.0 mi away

The weather forecast for Pittston (18640) Pennsylvania (PA) is:

Current Conditions: Cooling down with a chance of rain multiple days & a chance of snow Monday. 26.2°F
Humidity: 52.2%
Wind: 0.3 mph

Forecast: Clear conditions throughout the day. High: 31°F Low: 10.9°F