Rosedale Funeral Home Inc Florists
1211 Chesaco Ave |
Flower Delivery to Rosedale Funeral Home Inc in Baltimore, Maryland
Florist One
Same-day flower delivery to Rosedale Funeral Home Inc
and all of 21237,
trusted since 1999.
Flowers By Angelica
4005 Eastern Ave
Baltimore, Maryland
3.4 mi away
Eddie's Flowers
1277 E. North Ave.
Baltimore, Maryland
4.7 mi away
A. F. Bialzak & Sons, Inc.
1019 S. Kenwood Ave.
Baltimore, Maryland
4.3 mi away
Perzynski & Filar Florist
500 S. Ann St.
Baltimore, Maryland
4.8 mi away
Seifert's Florist, Inc. & Greenhouses
4741 Ridge Rd.
Baltimore, Maryland
3.3 mi away
The Flower Cart, Inc.
5230 Harford Rd.
Baltimore, Maryland
3.4 mi away
Catherine's Florist, Inc.
419 Eastern Blvd.
Essex, Maryland
2.1 mi away
The weather forecast for Baltimore (21237) Maryland (MD) is:
Current Conditions: Warming up with no rain expected. 45.5°F
Humidity: 77.8%
Wind: 3.7 mph
Forecast: Partly cloudy throughout the day. High: 58°F Low: 40°F