Sunset Memorial Funeral Home Florists

7405 Mullan Rd
Missoula, MT, 59802
(406) 549-2857

Flower Delivery to Sunset Memorial Funeral Home in Missoula, Montana

Florist One

Same-day flower delivery to Sunset Memorial Funeral Home
and all of 59802,
trusted since 1999.

Wigen's Floral and Nursery

11525 Mullan Rd
Missoula, Montana
3.7 mi away

The Flower Bed

2405 McDonald Ave.
Missoula, Montana
4.4 mi away

The weather forecast for Missoula (59802) Montana (MT) is:

Current Conditions: Warming up with a chance of rain Sunday & Tuesday & a chance of snow tomorrow, Thursday & Monday. 27.1°F
Humidity: 76.8%
Wind: 0.9 mph

Forecast: Cloudy skies throughout the day with early morning snow. High: 34.1°F Low: 18°F