Traub Funeral Home Inc Florists
684 N Main St |
Flower Delivery to Traub Funeral Home Inc in Central Square, New York
Florist One
Same-day flower delivery to Traub Funeral Home Inc
and all of 13036,
trusted since 1999.
Fran's Flowers
9517 Brewerton Rd.
Brewerton, New York
4.1 mi away
The Rock Wall Flowers & Crafts
324 Whig Hill Rd.
West Monroe, New York
4.0 mi away
The weather forecast for Central Square (13036) New York (NY) is:
Current Conditions: Warming up with a chance of snow tomorrow & Tuesday. 14.7°F
Humidity: 82.2%
Wind: 7.1 mph
Forecast: Cloudy skies throughout the day with a chance of snow throughout the day. High: 18.5°F Low: 11.4°F