Berry & Gardner Funeral Homes Florists

1300 34th Ave
Meridian, MS, 39301
(601) 485-8521

Flower Delivery to Berry & Gardner Funeral Homes in Meridian, Mississippi

Florist One

Same-day flower delivery to Berry & Gardner Funeral Homes
and all of 39301,
trusted since 1999.

Roberts Floral Designs

2012 24th Ave
Meridian, Mississippi
0.8 mi away

Saxon's Flowers & Gifts

900 23rd Ave
Meridian, Mississippi
0.7 mi away

World Of Flowers

1517 24th Ave.
Meridian, Mississippi
0.6 mi away

The weather forecast for Meridian (39301) Mississippi (MS) is:

Current Conditions: Warming up with a chance of rain tomorrow. 29.6°F
Humidity: 93.2%
Wind: 3.5 mph

Forecast: Partly cloudy throughout the day. High: 56.9°F Low: 29.8°F