Lantzer Funeral Home Florists

230 2nd Ave Se
Beach City, OH, 44608
(440) 756-2121

Flower Delivery to Lantzer Funeral Home in Beach City, Ohio

Florist One

Same-day flower delivery to Lantzer Funeral Home
and all of 44608,
trusted since 1999.

Cummings Florist / Designs By Kimberly

2944 Lincoln Way, W.
Massillon, Ohio
10.0 mi away

Stephanie's Garden Of Eden

8519 Navarre Rd., S.W.
Massillon, Ohio
7.3 mi away

Baker Florist, LLC

1616 N. Walnut St.
Dover, Ohio
9.3 mi away

The weather forecast for Beach City (44608) Ohio (OH) is:

Current Conditions: Similar temperatures continuing with a chance of rain Sunday, Monday & Tuesday & a chance of snow tomorrow. 21.5°F
Humidity: 70.5%
Wind: 8.5 mph

Forecast: Partly cloudy throughout the day with rain or snow. High: 34.3°F Low: 20.5°F