Van Strien Creston Chapel Inc Florists

1833 Plainfield Ave Ne
Grand Rapids, MI, 49505
(616) 361-2613

Flower Delivery to Van Strien Creston Chapel Inc in Grand Rapids, Michigan

Florist One

Same-day flower delivery to Van Strien Creston Chapel Inc
and all of 49505,
trusted since 1999.

Rose Bowl Floral & Gifts

905 Leonard, N.W.
Grand Rapids, Michigan
1.8 mi away

Crescent Street Floral

2140 Wealthy St, SE
Grand Rapids, Michigan
3.9 mi away

Burgett Floral, Inc.

868 Fuller, N.E.
Grand Rapids, Michigan
1.6 mi away

The weather forecast for Grand Rapids (49505) Michigan (MI) is:

Current Conditions: Similar temperatures continuing with a chance of rain multiple days. 26.9°F
Humidity: 67.5%
Wind: 5.3 mph

Forecast: Cloudy skies throughout the day with late afternoon rain or snow. High: 29.9°F Low: 21°F